Writer. Person who makes things.

A Completely Private Online Journal

Male Empowerment Seminar

I went to a "Female Empowerment" seminar at an office where I was briefly working. It was entirely about how to balance being a mother and having a career. 

I left empowered to spread the core values of the seminar to men who may be considering becoming a father while still maintaining their career. 

Male Empowerment Seminar: 

Men. Gather round: I've got some important shit to tell you.
So, I know that you, the male humans of my generation, are starting to get on in years and you may be considering having a human child. And, of course, with that thought comes the question, "Can I be a father and still excel in my career"? 
Listen, fatherhood is hard: it's demanding to have the care of another human resting so squarely on your shoulders. And if you are in a creative field or a field with that requires you to spend time away from your house for eight to ten hours a day, how will you balance having a family and not being put on the so-called "daddy-track"?
And I know what you're saying right now. You're saying, 
"Lizz, you are a woman and a motherfucking boss all day. No one is questioning your ability to mother a child and still kill all your action items like what. We know you'd have a dope-ass spreadsheet tracking when to feed that little asshole and when give he or she their mandatory writing/drawing lessons- how are YOU qualified to give advice about fatherhood?"
I'll tell you: I'm not. 
However, I feel qualified which is pretty much the same as being qualified. Am I right? High five.
Anyway, here's my advice: just take it a day at a time, make sure you still carve out time for the gym and hair appointments and whatever the fuck else you dudes like to do to keep it tight and, if your partner is in your life, lean on the mother. Remember there are two of you and you are allowed to ask her for what you need. 
In the end, yes, you will probably see your identity change-- but you will find yourself embracing your new role as a father, and maybe you'll even find that the career you were so desperate to cling to becomes slightly less important once you experience the joys of gazing into the eyes of your progeny. 
You can do it, guys. You can have it all. 
Man, I am so glad I got to give you this awesome advice. 
Next week we'll tackle another men's issue, Sexual Harassment: Is it Funny....Or Sexy?

Lizz Leiser